About Us
About Us
The Adventist Book Center in Keene is a ministry of the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. We are located at 201 S. Old Betsy Road in Keene, Texas. We carry a wide variety of Christian books for all ages, CD's, DVD's, and materials to help churches enrich their members. We also carry a wide variety of books on healthy living, cookbooks, health foods, and meat alternatives.
We even carry freshly baked breads, pies, & desserts as well as jams/ jellies from Deborah's Pie Cottage.
We are fortunate to have a hard working team that is eager to be of service such as our Buyer: Lilly Morales, Receiving Manager: Taryan Ramsarran, Food Manager: Carlos Quintanilla & Alison Hill, & Customer Service Supervisor: Renee Tyler, as well as many dedicated clerks & stockers.